Libido Fundamentals – London

“Libido is appetite in its natural state” Carl Jung

Libido is an essential part of our body’s natural expression. Complicated one moment, ecstatic the next. Absent or burdened with expectations of past experiences, this energy within and between us comes to the dance longing for freedom.

The intention in Open Floor Movement practice is to mindfully support our full embodiment. In one dance we may feel juicy, radiant and desirable while at other times we battle feeling awkward or shy. It is often challenging to navigate our own experiences and/or the sexual energies around us.

Libido Fundamentals investigates this complex and creative conundrum by using movement to ground, build and explore our sexual energy. We embrace a wider definition of Libido as life force, birth place of creativity, vitality, presence and aliveness. Because sexuality is so often unconsciously acted out or ignored, the exploration of this territory tends to be intense, intimate, liberating and empowering.

Participants can expect to spend each day engaging in mindful movement practice, group sharing and inquiry along with some didactic education. Nudity and actual genital contact are not a part of this workshop.
All genders and sexual orientations are welcome. Welcome solo or in relationship.

Please Note: at least 12 hours of Open Floor or other Conscious Dance Practice is required.

For more information contact Audrey:

Sarah Davies has apprenticed with Andrea Juhan for several years to qualify to teach this work. Sarah is a Founding Member of Open Floor, she has taught conscious dance since the 5Rhythms teacher training with Gabrielle Roth in 2008.

When: 25–27 October 2019
Fri 7–10pm, Sat 10–6pm, Sun 10–4pm
Where: London Venue tbc

Cost: £215 / Concession £185
10% discount if paid in full by 30th September

For more about Sarah Davies and other work she is offering see: